Sandesh Godbole

Sandesh Godbole

About 11 yrs back, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. I was left with no hope regarding my health and career. Then one day I came across one advertisement in the Times of India regarding the camp organized at Jaslok Hospital on World Parkinson’s day. Exactly four months back i.e. on 04th June, I had undergone the DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery.

On the day of camp, Dr.Paresh Doshi of Jaslok Hospital and his team put tried their best to convince a common man like me about the DBS.

I must appreciate the efforts of Dr.Raghvendra Ramdasi who explained the minute details of DBS. 

It is not just a question of convincing; it is their efforts that helped in managing the disease.

I must appreciate the staff and the nurses at Jaslok Hospital for their dedication and caring attitude toward the patients.

Last but not least, I give my regards to Dr.Nikhil, Dr.Shiva, and Ms.Bharti.

It is because of the successful surgery that now, I am working very efficiently and competitively in this new world that is being gifted to me due to DBS. I am confident enough to live and progress with my family happy.

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