Mahendra Dhingra
DBS Stories

Mahendra Dhingra

I am Mahendra Dhingra. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2005. I was not aware of this disease back then because of which I never took the early symptoms seriously. I had tremor in the hand which made them shake badly. I wasn’t even able to hold a cup of coffee by myslef. My cousin sister once noticed this and informed me that it’s an early stage of Parkinson’s disease. Then I consulted my family physician and he confirmed that is, indeed, Parkinson’s disease.

Later on, I met the renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Paresh Doshi at Jaslok hospital in 2013 and was suggested for DBS surgery by Dr. Doshi. I underwent DBS surgery in 2014. After the surgery, I felt many positive changes. Before surgery, I used to get acute foot pain, body stiffness, and slow movement. Slightest stress got my full body react with tremors. After surgery, all these problems just disappeared. 

I can never thank Dr. Paresh Doshi enough. He changed my life! I believe that he is the best neurosurgeon in India.

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