Possible Complications Of DBS Surgery

Every procedure or even medical treatment has the potential to offer certain complications or side effects. Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

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Can Deep Brain Stimulation Cause Seizures?

Deep brain stimulation (or DBS) involves implantation of electrodes within certain regions of the brain. These electrodes provide electric impulses

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Components Of DBS System

Deep brain stimulation (or DBS) is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat the debilitating symptoms of a wide

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Deep Brain Stimulation Battery Replacement

Deep brain stimulation (or DBS) is a commonly performed brain surgery that makes use of an implantable pulse generator (IPG),

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Programming The Neurostimulator

Programming the neurotransmitter is regarded as one of the most critical facets of deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. Let’s learn

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Awake V/S Asleep Surgery

Direct, image-based targeting under general anesthesia without the use of microelectrode recording (MER) or intraoperative test stimulation, also known as

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DBS Success Rate & Quality Of Life

A treatment known as deep brain stimulation (DBS) uses an implanted device that sends an electrical current directly to certain

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Everything You Need To Know About Deep Brain Stimulation For Dystonia

Deep brain stimulation or DBS is a surgical procedure that is used to treat movement disorders such as dystonia, especially

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DBS For Parkinson’s: Purpose And Procedure

DBS (or deep brain stimulation) is a treatment intended for those exhibiting Parkinson’s disease symptoms, such as tremors, trouble walking,

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Am I A Good Candidate For DBS?

Deep brain stimulation or DBS is increasingly recognized as an effective therapeutic tool for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. However,

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